The Village invites residential homeowners to decorate their front yards with holiday cheer in preparation for the 8th Annual Carol Stream Holiday Lights Decorating Contest. The Village challenges residents to put together winter wonderland displays for the upcoming holiday. Themes for our Holiday Lights Decorating contest are:
- BIG SNOWBALL (Traditional Décor)
- FROSTY’S FAVORITE (Kid-Friendly Décor)
- JUDGES FAVORITE (Best in Show)
Residents can nominate their favorite home(s) by e-mail at and must include the street address or addresses in the body and the phrase Holiday Lights Decorating Contest included in the subject line. The deadline to send nominations is Friday, December 16th. Judges will visit nominated properties and shortly thereafter make their award recommendations. Check out the Story Map showcasing the nominated homes! Homeowners from winning displays will be recognized at a Village Board meeting.